/T-U Editorial Board: “Lori Boyer most experienced”
Lori Boyer

T-U Editorial Board: “Lori Boyer most experienced”

Lori BoyerThe Times-Union states that Lori has “the ideal qualifications based on civic involvement and professional qualifications.”  They cite her longtime residency in the district, her 20 years experience in civic involvement, her leadership over significant projects, and her professional background as the qualifications which set her apart as the outstanding candidate for your District 5.


If one were to list the qualifications for an outstanding candidate for a district City Council seat, here are some key traits:

– Be a longtime resident of the district.

– Have a proven track record of civic involvement.

– That record should include leadership that produced results.

– The candidate should have a professional or occupational background that could be useful in an era of severe city budgets and demands for oversight of the executive branch.

Thankfully, residents of District 5 have such a candidate in Lori Boyer. She has more than 20 years of experience of civic involvement.

She earned an academic scholarship to Georgetown University where she graduated in three years as a member of Phi Beta Kappa. She graduated from the University of Florida Law School near the top of her class.

She has experience as a real estate attorney, which can be an asset on a City Council that often deals with controversial land use matters.

Perhaps her most important civic activity has been… (visit Jacksonville.com through the link noted below for full story)
Read more at Jacksonville.com: http://jacksonville.com/opinion/editorials/2011-03-16/story/city-council-district-5-lori-boyer-most-experienced#ixzz1Gy6R9aan