/Lori Boyer wins District 5 Council Seat
Lori Boyer

Lori Boyer wins District 5 Council Seat

A large crowd of  Lori Boyer volunteers and supports gathered at Player’s Grill last night for the official post election celebration.  The news came fairly early in the evening that Lori had garnered sufficent votes to win the District 5 Council seat outright and her supporters were ecstatic. After the shouts and cheers died down, Lori had this to say to the packed room of volunteers:

“I want to thank my awesome volunteers who spent so much time and energy making this day possible, my generous donors, my steadfast secretary, Gaye Elison, my supportive family (especially my husband Tyrie who displayed great patience and understanding) and Jennifer Newman, my campaign manager who literally devoted three months of her life to this effort.”

She also noted the following about the campaign and looking forward:

“I believe that tonight is a testament to the fact that a positive campaign can be successful- I focused on my background, my goals and beliefs, and what I offered to the residents of our District, without disparaging others. Civility will be a hallmark of my service in office, as will thorough research, honesty, and hard work. I assure you that I will do my best to restore our City’s financial stability without further burdening taxpayers, help to rebuild our local economy and protect our neighborhoods, and will make every effort to be deserving of the confidence you have shown in me. Together we can make Jacksonville the City our children will want to call home.  “

This morning, to the surprise of many, Lori and her supporters turned out at several interections in District 5 to waive signs for one final day as an act of gratitude.  The newly customized signs had “Thank You” in large red letters added for effect.  Discussing this matter with Lori we learned that sign waiving “thank you” groups were scheduled ahead of time, regardless of the election outcome.

A fitting end to a well run campaign.

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