Matthew’s announced new menu items for summer. A selection of new seafood and beef dishes, as well as a summer dessert will be offered nightly along with the regular menu. Maine lobster, sashimi of tuna “nicoise”, scallops, kobe “coulotte”, and profiteroles – what to order first.
Let’s stop for a little translation, nicoise is a salad of mixed vegetables topped with tuna or anchovy. Coulotte is a small boneless steak cut from a sirloin.
Paired with sides like sweet corn grits, asparagus, quail eggs, and blackberries I am getting hungry just typing this. You’ll have to read the menu for the full details, it is too tempting to read anymore. Today is a perfect day to try the new menu items and enjoy Matthew’s half priced bottle of wine Mondays. And it is too hot to cook today anyway. I have to go call Matthew’s now.