/Windows on the World

Windows on the World

Window displays are one of my favorite things about shopping. Shopping itself is exciting enough. But walking up to the store and seeing all the things you can buy in a whimsical setting just sets the tone before you even walk in the store door. I definitely don’t think window displays should be limited to Christmas. For me, the appeal is universal and year round. I have always been perplexed by the gorgeous store fronts in San Marco with large windows facing the street and no window displays. I’ve noticed lately that has stared to change.

Walking through the Square this morning, Olive’s widows caught my eye. At first I took a moment to stop at look at the fun back-to-school set up in their widows. As I looked closer I saw that the chalk boards listed some back to school essentials that can all be found inside Olive. Not only are their windows pleasing to the eye but they are also a smart way to advertise. And even though I am not going back to school I do feel the need to stock up on colorful denim from Olive.