/Fall Greetings from the San Marco Bookstore

Fall Greetings from the San Marco Bookstore

The summer has come and gone and according to the calendar, fall is upon us! Not wanting to be out done by all the big box stores, San Marco Bookstore is debuting their Fall Collection of Papyrus greeting cards and bags, including Halloween, Rosh Hashana and Thanksgiving.

Enjoy the preview.  Visit San them  soon to get the best selection and GET READY FOR A BIG ANNOUNCEMENT coming in the next few weeks from the San Marco Bookstore!

Halloween Cards

Whoooo is your favorite character at Halloween?  Do you like to dress up as a ghost, a monster or really stretch it and go as a witch?  All of these are great ideas and we have the perfect cards to set your Halloween mood this year!

Halloween Bags

We have a great selection of gift bags to compliment you this Halloween from treat bags (get it?  Trick or Treat!)  to canvas bags!  They are all ready for the sweets, sours, gooey, chewy and candies of all kinds!

Thanksgiving Cards

This wonderful time of year reminds us to slow down and be thankful the blessings present in our lives.  We have a beautiful collection this year to send your thoughts to family and friends.