Unplugging in the age of “Candy Crush” and “E-books” may not be the easiest task. However, summer-time is a great opportunity for traditional forms of entertainment to take hold. Summer reading is one of the most relaxing beach diversions, aside from just sleeping in your hammock or beach chair. San Marco Bookstore is a great source for both new and used books and is currently running a buy one get one free (bogo) sale. Visit them in the square or go to www.sanmarcobookstore.com to learn more.
Board games are another great opportunity for entire families to bond around the dinning room table. Dick and Jane’s Sport cards is only a hop and a skip away from the neighborhood (www.dickandjanes.com) and has a massive selection of both traditional and modern board games. They have unique and specialized board games not usually found in the big chain stores. Here are just a few examples of some amazing games that are worth hours of family fun.
Apples to Apples – Apples to Apples has won numerous awards including “Party Game of the Year” by Games magazine and “Mensa Select” by Mensa International. And for good reason: it involves quick thinking, humor, and strategy. For teens, the game teaches them to think about how different things can be compared to one another and how analogies are formed. One of our criticisms is that although the game states that it is designed for ages 12 and older, many of the subjects are clearly for older teens.

Formula D – Formula Dé is dead long live Formula D! Get ready to push your engine to its limit to hug the curves in the tight corners but also to keep up with your opponents to take advantage of the air flow and pass them to win… Taking risks and planning ahead are two qualities you’ll need as a pilot if you want to stand on the highest step of the podium! Formula D is also the excitement of illegal racing in the streets of big cities – anything goes: custom cars nitro acceleration drifting in the curves dirty tricks… The game mechanics stay the same but use specific rules cars and tracks. This edition of Formula D comes with 2 boards: Monaco and Muscle Cars. Although it will be compatible with the old edition boards those boards will not be reprinted. Instead new boards will be created to expand the available tracks for more racing fun. 3-8 players. Ages 10 & up.
Munchkin – This award winning card game, designed by Steve Jackson, captures the essence of the dungeon experience with none of that stupid roleplaying stuff. You and your friends compete to kill monsters and grab magic items. And what magic items. Don the Horny Helmet and the Boots of Butt Kicking. Wield the Staff of Napalm or maybe the Chainsaw of bloody dismemberment. Start by slaughtering the Potted Plant and the Drooling Slime, and work your way up to the Plutonium Dragon. For 3 to 8 players. 60 minutes. Munchkin is a stand alone card game designed by Steve Jackson that “simulates” a fantasy themed RPG in a simple, card based game that’s chock full of silliness.
Ticket to Ride – October 2, 1900 – it’s 28 years to the day that noted London eccentric, Phileas Fogg accepted and then won a bet that he could travel “Around the World in 80 Days.” Now, at the dawn of the century, some old friends have gathered to celebrate Fogg’s impetuous and lucrative gamble – and to propose a new wager of their own. The stakes: $1 million in a winner-takes-all competition. The objective: to see the most cities in North America – in just 7 days. Ticket to Ride is a cross-country train adventure game. Players collect train cards that enable them to claim railway routes connecting cities throughout North America. The longer the routes, the more points they earn. Additional points come to those who can fulfill their Destination Tickets by connecting two distant cities, and to the player who builds the longest continuous railway. For 2 to 5 players ages 8 and older. Playing time: 30-60 minutes. Comes with: 1 Board map of North American train routes, 240 Colored Train Cars, 110 Train Car cards, 30 Destination Tickets, 5 Wooden Scoring Markers, 1 Days of Wonder Online access number, and a Rules booklet.