/San Marco Library Covid Closure

San Marco Library Covid Closure

Jacksonville Public Library leadership learned Sunday, January 10, 2021, that a staff member who works at San Marco Branch Library received a positive test for COVID-19. The staff member last worked at the library on Thursday, January 7. Another staff person who works at that location is also experiencing symptoms.     The location will be closed starting Monday, January 11 until further notice so it can be quarantined and thoroughly cleaned and sanitized.     All employees who work at San Marco Branch Library are being asked to self-isolate (and complete a COVID-19 test). They will remain isolated until they are released to return to work by the City of Jacksonville’s Employee Services department according to the City’s COVID-19 procedures.     Due to the extensive health safety protocols put into place by the City and Library, the risk of a customer contracting the virus from employees while at the location is assumed to be extremely low.     Visit www.jaxpubliclibrary.org, call (904) 255-BOOK (2665) or use the library’s app for alternate locations or digital services.