Visit San Marco Art Festival on Facebook and cast your vote for your favorite of 8 pieces of art. The contest ends on the 31st so don't delay!!!
Hot Town Summer in the City
I don't think it can possibly get any hotter here. But the heat is not going to keep me away from Affair in the Square tonight. Live music by Billy Buchanan and Free Avenue, wine…
Friendship Fountain Ceremony
[caption id="attachment_1911" align="alignnone" width="640" caption="photo by: M. Fryman, © 2011 all rights reserved."][/caption] On Saturday, June 18th at 9 am the newly refurbished Friendship Fountain will be officially unveiled at a ceremony in its honor.…
Art and Garden Collide at a Party
If you have not discovered the secret garden on San Jose Boulevard, the Saturday is a magical opportunity to experience Fireflies. The small garden is located at 5121 San Jose Boulevard between the Antique Mall…
May’s Affair in the Square: Part One
San Marco's monthly Affair in the Square is all about you. Whether you're a merchant - on Square or off - a resident or a guest, it's just a fun monthly tradition to get together…
Solving One Mystery at a Time
There are lots of questions in the world that no one has the answer too. Mysteries that man just can't answer. Why does JEA continue to tear up my street every other week to patch…
Affair in the Square
Balis Park is a beautiful backdrop and park for music and gathering, anytime. During Affair in the Square, live music is played under the gazebo and is broadcast around the Square.
10 Days Till The Patron’s Party
What are you doing ten days from today? If you live or work in San Marco you need to be at the San Marco Preservation Society Patron's Party. This annual bash is the place to…
Some San Marco Moments
Please enjoy a short slideshow of San Marco Moments and celebrate the community!